(217) 824-2101 Directory →
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(217) 287-7946
Taylorville City Hall
115 North Main
Taylorville, Illinois 62568
Name | Position | Phone |
Bruce Barry | Mayor | (217) 287-7946 |
Jolynne Richardson | City Clerk | (217) 824-2101 |
Traci Bentley | HR Manager/Loss Control Coordinator | (217) 824-3386 |
Valerie Miles | City Treasurer | (217) 824-2808 |
Randy Mitchelson | Ward I Alderman | (217) 971-4615 |
Jim Olive | Ward I Alderman | (217) 820-6870 |
Chris Skultety | Ward II Alderman | (217) 825-8609 |
Jeremy Wilson | Ward II Alderman | (217) 827-4270 |
Doug Brown | Ward III Alderman | (217) 280-0321 |
Megan Bryant | Ward III Alderman | (217) 823-6122 |
Kathy Driskell | Ward IV Alderman | (217) 820-8977 |
Steve Dorchinecz | Ward IV Alderman | (217) 825-5773 |
Airport | Airport | (217) 824-9313 |
Mike Tennant | Cemetery Superintendent | (217) 824-2701 |
Marlin Brune | Water Superintendent | (217) 287-1441 |
Kellie Hamell | Water Billing Office | (217) 824-2919 |
Andy Goodall | Building & Zoning Officer | (217) 824-8713 |
Geoffrey Ortman | Lake Superintendent | (217) 824-5606 |
Mike Mann | Street & Sewer Superintendent | (217) 824-2559 |
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