By Serpentine
Posted: Updated:



Boat Licenses

Rowboats, Canoes, Sailboats & Wind Boards – All Classifications: $35.00

Jet Skis – All Classifications:  $130.00



15hp and Under:  $45.00

16hp to 25 hp:  $50.00

26hp to 75hp:  $70.00

76hp to 150hp:  $90.00

151hp to 200hp:  $125.00

201hp to 250hp:  $145.00

251hp and up:  $160.00


Lake Lots

*Lake lots run April 1st through October 31st

$600.00, plus $300.00 deposit


Overnight Camping

$30 per night

$35 Holidays



*Campground lots run April 1st through October 31st

Season Option:  $875.00 for season, plus $300.00 deposit

Monthly Option:  $115.00 per month, plus $300.00 deposit


Lake Lots – Winter Storage

*Lake lot storage runs from November 1st through March 31st of each year.



Campgrounds – Winter Storage

*Campground storage runs from November 1st through March 31st of each year.




Floating:  $250.00


Daily Permits

Fishing Tournament ONLY:  One Day – $12.00, Two Day – $17.00

All Other:  One Day – $15.00, Two Day – $20.00


Senior Citizen Boat Permit

*MUST be a Taylorville resident and be sixty-two (62) years of age or older.

*”Resident or residents” shall mean a person(s) who lives and resides within the corporate limits of the City of Taylorville on a regular basis.

Up to 25hp:  $25.00

26hp and up:  $45.00


Boat Dealer Permit



Disabled Veterans

Boat license fee will be waived for Disabled Veterans injured in the line of duty, upon the proof of “Service Connected Disability”.