(217) 824-2101 Directory →
Storm Water Separation
1996 $388,000.00 $200,000.00 CDAP Grant
1356 feet 30″ Force Main $188,000.00 City Portion
979 feet 12″ Storm Sewer
15 feet 15″ Storm Sewer
656 feet 24″ Storm Sewer
540 feet 30″ Storm Sewer
20 feet 36″ Storm Sewer
1996 Cleveland to Long to Bidwell Street $50,846.75 Total City Funds
902 feet 12″ Storm Sewer
480 feet 15″ Storm Sewer
1998 Esther to Ash on Shawnee $80,000.00 Total DCCA Grant
116 feet 12″ Storm Sewer Total $518,846.75
1095 feet 24″ Storm Sewer City Portion: $238,846.75
Lift Station with 6,000 gallon per minute pump put in at Cleveland/Long Streets
Total Footage Ward I Storm Sewer: 6159 Feet
Funding: 54% Grant Money 46% City Funds
1996: Phase I Spresser to Vandeveer $522,000.00 $387,000.00 CDAP Grant
3,641 feet 72″ Storm Sewer $135,000.00 City Portion
1998: Champley Ditch $126,000.00 100% DCCA Grant
451 feet 84″ Storm Sewer
1999: Phase II Vandeveer to East to Houston $245,000 100% DCCA Grant
1,118 feet 72″ Storm Sewer
604 feet 54″ Storm Sewer
2001: Phase III From Vandeveer North on Houston to Adams then East on Adams to Simpson Street
1,644 feet 54″ Storm Sewer $686,000.00 $336,000.00 CDAP Grant
1,522 feet 48″ Storm Sewer $350,000.00 City Portion
70 feet 36″ Storm Sewer
Total: $1,579,000.00
City Portion: $485,000.00
Total Footage Ward III & IV Storm Sewer: 9,050 feet
Funding: 70% Grant Money 30% City Funds
Ward I Storm Sewer Total Footage: 6,159
Ward III & IV Storm Sewer Total Footage: 9,050
Industrial Park Storm Sewer Total Footage: 4,748
Total Storm Sewer Footage: 19,957
$ 85,000.00 DCCA Grant
$136,748.00 Private Funds
Total: $221,748.00
2,683 feet 36″
2,065 feet 6″ Force Main
Total Footage Industrial Park Storm Sewer: 4,748 feet:
Total Amount Spent for Storm Water Separation: $2,319,594.75
Name | Position | Phone |
Bruce Barry | Mayor | (217) 287-7946 |
Jolynne Richardson | City Clerk | (217) 824-2101 |
Traci Bentley | HR Manager/Loss Control Coordinator | (217) 824-3386 |
Valerie Miles | City Treasurer | (217) 824-2808 |
Randy Mitchelson | Ward I Alderman | (217) 971-4615 |
Jim Olive | Ward I Alderman | (217) 820-6870 |
Chris Skultety | Ward II Alderman | (217) 825-8609 |
Jeremy Wilson | Ward II Alderman | (217) 827-4270 |
Doug Brown | Ward III Alderman | (217) 280-0321 |
Megan Bryant | Ward III Alderman | (217) 823-6122 |
Kathy Driskell | Ward IV Alderman | (217) 820-8977 |
Steve Dorchinecz | Ward IV Alderman | (217) 825-5773 |
Airport | Airport | (217) 824-9313 |
Mike Tennant | Cemetery Superintendent | (217) 824-2701 |
Marlin Brune | Water Superintendent | (217) 287-1441 |
Kellie Hamell | Water Billing Office | (217) 824-2919 |
Andy Goodall | Building & Zoning Officer | (217) 824-8713 |
Geoffrey Ortman | Lake Superintendent | (217) 824-5606 |
Mike Mann | Street & Sewer Superintendent | (217) 824-2559 |
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